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VOD-company introduction

Brian Ferry March 2014


Dong A TV "VJ magazine" Live & video recording program


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kimchl lactobacillus data

Susan Smith March 2014


kimchl lactobacillus data


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Coated Kimchi Lactobacillus inform.

Carol Simons March 2014


Company Name: Biorhythm Co., Ltd.

CEO: Yong-Hyun Jung

Location: (Head Office) #503,517, Industry Academy Cooperation Center, 646, Eupnae-Ri, Shinchang-Myeon, Asan-Si, Chungcheongnam Province, 336-745, Republic of Korea


Tel: 82-(0)41-530-1561 Fax: 82-(0)32-325-7719


Company Info: Biorhythm Co., Ltd focuses on global commercialization of the bio engineering area, conducting various projects on kimchi such as anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, anti-food poisoning, anti-aging and anti-atopic function of kimchi lactic acid bacteria, with Soonchunhyang University and supports from the local communities.

International Certification: FDA Safety Test Certificate, FDA Toxic Test Certificate


#101, Chungbuktechnopark Biocenter, 40, RESEACH  COPLEX  ROAD, OCHANGEUP, CHEONGWONGU, CHUNGjuCHUNGBUK, SOUTH KOREA  TEL : +82-70-8777-0707, FAX : +82-31-755-7719   Email :   Cellular : 82-10-5509-3307
Copyrightⓒ Biorhythm Co.LTD., All Right Reserved.

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