"Kimchi lactobacillus" as a scientific vegetable fermented product, Kimchi has been selected as 5 health foods in USA.
we have registered a patent, a PCT public application, etc. in kimchi lactobacillus.
Kimchi lactobacillus grows with kimchi materials such as garlic, leek, ginger. and tolerates in salt, freezing, drying.
survived in acid in a coated state, growing and proliferating itself in intestines, so it recovers your health.
Product Name : Kimchi-lactobacillus /Health-functional-food, probiotics
Main ingredient: 3 kinds of Kimchi-lactobacillus + Vitamin C + Vitamin A + Zinc
Function. Ingredient. 100% effective! Efficacy starts 1~2 days after beginning consumption.
Induces proliferation of beneficial microbes within the intestine, suppresses harmful microbes, helps optimum bowel movement, assists the immune system, and aids healthy vision.
Product introduction
1. Led by Biorhythm, the company that aims for the world market as a collaborator with Pharmaceutical Science Department, Kyung-hee University.
2. We are given quality management and production collaboration by Outstanding Health-functional-food production Facility(GMP).
3. The research and manufacturing was spearheaded by many Biorhythm expert researchers with PH.D, who are funded by the University.
4. Our product has been produced through an extensive quality management and quality evaluation by facility designated by the FDA(Jung-bu University).
5. The main ingredient of our kimchi has been controlled under Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points(HACCP), striving for the best Korean-produced cabbages.
6. It is an excellent Health-functional-food, with FDA certification and registration.
7. It is a product that has gone through extensive quality evaluation and reached Europe, the home of Nobel Prize for lactobacillus research.
8. Kimchi-lactobacillus contains enzymes produced by lactobacillus and botanical lactobacillus.
Produced under ISO9001 Quality Management System, and the main ingredient has been evaluated by the USFDA, and certified as Excellent Bioproduct.
coated kimchi lactobacillus !!
◎ Korea Asan City Certificate No.: 206
functional food manufacturer No. 2009-가-0006(korea food & drug administration)
◎ product type : other processed product or probiotics
◎ intake : 1g/1 time, 2~3times/day (after meal with water)
◎ contents : 20kg, 25kg, 30kg / 1case
◎ ingredients :
1. kimchi lactobacillus : Lactic Acid Bacteria kimchi culture[lactobacillus, leuconostoc, pediococcus, bicellar,etc. (more 3,000,000,000/g), kimchi 80.37%, guar gum, sea tangle powder, dextrin, casein protein, etc.
2. kimchi lactobacillus plantarum : lactobacillus plantarum 3,000,000,000/g, kimchi 80.37%, guar gum, sea tangle powder, dextrin, casein protein, etc.
◎ Expiry date: 1year and 6months from manufacturing date
◎ Function :
① to proliferate beneficial lactic acid bacteria
② to restrain various germs creation inside bowels
③ to help regular bowel movements
④ probiotic function
Features of Product
Taking a coated Kimchi Lactic Acid Bacteria capsule is like taking more than 1~10billion/g of lactic acid bacteria, it contains various nutrients such as physiological activity substances, chlorophyll, 8kinds of Vitamin, vegetable Protein and fiber, and minerals. On the other hand, it is low in calories. Thus, it is recommended to people, from children to senior citizens, who worry about health for a small intestine and a large intestine.
▷ 2 korea patent registers(including No.10-0704447, etc.), 2 patent applications (PCT int'l public application : including KR2006/001677 ,etc.)
- we make our special coating method which is our patent register(3 step coating method of kimchi…….and composition of containing a kimchi lactobacillus) int'l application (powder kimchi containing a kimchi lactobacillus) by using a casein protein, seaweed and gum in the cultivated kimchi which we usually eat in every day.
*** main mechanism of a coating : main coating material is a casein protein that is the same to the clotted element which a child vomits after eating milk (2,3 times gellan gum and brown algae solution coation)―>casein+ph acid―>gelation (lacto bacillus coating)―> setting at gastric acid ―> solved at alkali ph in small and large intestine, breakdown of coating by enzyme ―> lactic acid bacteria development +growth (dietary fiber co-work activation)―>creation of bacteriocin, organic acid, physiological activation material ―>healthful function to body
▷ Double Effect
- You can feel the same taste of Kimchi and its fiber and get the effect like taking Kimchi at the same time when you take Kimchi capsules.
* a fermented kimchi contains immunity bacteriocin substances, vegetable protein, 9 kinds of vitamin and minerals which are produced by various lactobacillus when taking 2g(about 4 capsules) per 1 day, it is a same to taking about 50g of kimchi
- Intake of lactobacillus : taking capsule is like eating vegetable kimchi and having lactobacillus * Generally, most of lactobacillus of Kimchi are killed by stomach acids. but a triply coated kimchi lactobacillus is still alive almost 80~90% in the small, large intestine. 4 capsules (quantity of 1day intake) contain as much lactobacillus as more than 1000g~4000g of kimchi do
▷ efficacy of lactobacillus
- Because it is coated and alive by that in a small intestine and a large intestine, the efficacy is excellent
▷ Enough number of Lactobacillus
- more than 2billions of lactobacillus per one time are taken, so a large number of living lactobacillus acts in a small intestine and a large intestine
- Kimchi Lactic Acid Bacteria produces natural antibiotic substances which improve immune system strongly against SARS, Avian Influenza or Virus
▶ Recommendation
- to people who have bad immunity
- to people who have a weak constitution to disease
- to people who need to improve a constitution
- to people who have the symptom of constipation or who get stress easily
- to people who have bad bowel function
- to people who worry about health for a small intestine and a large intestine
- to people who consider a diet
▷ quality control and quality guaranteed : these are all results of cooperation with professors and research institute in soonchunhyang university