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Product name : Hong Yu 629/ Health-functional-food, probiotics + Red Ginseng

Main ingredients: 6year old Red Ginseng + 3kinds of Kimchi-lactobacillus, casein, powdered kelp, Guar gum, etc.,

Function and use


1.     After Red Ginseng gets digested in the intestine, and Kimchi-lactobacillus arrives there to promote absorption. It is a perfect blend of Red Ginseng and Kimchi-lactobacillus.

2.     Hong Yu 629 is a Health-functional-food which boosts immunity, helps the blood flow by platelet cohesion inhibition, recovery of fatigue, inhibition of harmful bacteria, increased beneficial lactobacillus, and regular motion. These positive effects are certified by FDA.


Product introduction


One day consumption of Hong Yu 629 contains over 6.12 billion Kimchi-lactobacillus with 9 hundred million bifidus lactobacillus(At a total of 7 billion, compared to mere 10 million/ml and 100 million/ml in conventional lactobacillus provided by other drinks). A total of 2.9 billion Kimchi-lactobacillus reaches the intestine(which is more than what we would get from 2~3 heads of kimchi cabbage). The 2month-supply contains a total of 421.2 billion lactobacillus, and this number is the one that actually reaches the intestine. This is on top of the carefully selected 6th year Red-Ginseng in the amount of 252mg per day.

#101, Chungbuktechnopark Biocenter, 40, RESEACH  COPLEX  ROAD, OCHANGEUP, CHEONGWONGU, CHUNGjuCHUNGBUK, SOUTH KOREA  TEL : +82-70-8777-0707, FAX : +82-31-755-7719   Email :   Cellular : 82-10-5509-3307
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